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Q - What is the status of my order?
A - By logging into the Exoto "My Account" page and clicking on "Order History" you can find a complete list of your past Exoto orders and pre-orders with the status of your order: Pending, Approved or Shipped.

If you do not already have an Exoto account you can create one, with no charges or further obligations, by clicking "My Account" and clicking the link to create a new account.
Q - Has my order shipped, and how can I get a tracking number?
A - When you check your "Order History", orders and pre-orders that have shipped will show a Status of "Shipped".  Clicking on the "Shipped" link will take you to the UPS package tracking page for your shipment. 
Q - My Order History says "Shipped" but I cannot find my order status online. What now? 
A - Call Exoto customer service at +1-805-530-3830.
Q - I pre-ordered an item, when will it be shipped?
A - Due to the challenges of scheduling production in our various overseas factories, Exoto cannot communicate anticipated delivery dates until production is underway. See "What is the status of my order?" and "Has my order shipped, and how can I get a tracking number?", above.
Q - I subscribed to the First Heat Can-Am Collection, why haven't I received any Can-Am models yet?
A - First Heat Can-Am Collection subscribers should all have received the first two releases, the 1973 Porsche 917/30 and 1966 Chaparral 2E. The next release, the 1972 Chaparral 2J, is currently in the works and will be shipped to all subscribers as they become available.
Q - How can I cancel my order?
A - Call Exoto customer service at +1-805-530-3830 to learn whether cancellation is possible.